Unfriendly Bats - Introducing the UA Bat

Jan 18, 2024 1118 0

Unfriendly Bats - Introducing the UA Bat

The University of Arizona in Tucson recently announced that they have joined with the Environmental Protection Agency to implement a program called " AZ Bats".ua bat In short, this is a program which allows people who have taken flight of the state of Arizona and resident wildlife who are already here to feed. This effort will work hand in hand with wildlife departments who will be able to monitor the populations of bats in an effective way. If you are in the area and are interested in helping out, contact the university.

The first thing that should be understood about bats is that they are certainly not the most friendly visitors in any landscape.ua bat ua bat I have personally seen many bats flying around and at one time even dropping some pellets on me when I passed within range. For that matter, anything that is flying around too high is going to scare them away. This includes even flying squirrels, coyotes and other types of flying creatures. For that reason, the bat population is best helped by people who are aware of their habits and who are mindful of the fact that they might be flying over and above your property and not bothering anyone.

When I was a child my father would often say that if you had a problem with bats you should call a batswinger.ua bat ua bat As an adult it seems that is still true. I always like to look out the window and see what's flying over and above our home and that is where the bat family is. There is nothing more reassuring than having a small rooster or doves in your birdhouses and listening to the soft sounds of the call.

Bats also do not make good pets.ua bat ua bat They are inquisitive and active little animals. When left to their own devices they can become pests in your home. I have seen them chew on electrical wiring, tear up plants and rip up garbage. If you want to try and domesticate a bat, you must be willing to remove them once they have become nuisance.

It is not necessary to kill bats that are already in your home.ua bat ua bat You can simply remove any decayed or damaged wings and remove the dead animal. Do not attempt to poison or hurt the bats. The best way to approach this problem is prevention. Preventing the bats from entering your house in the first place is much easier to achieve than trying to remove any remaining bats after they have already multiplied in numbers.

In summary, a little planning now can spare you hours of worry tomorrow. Remove any decaying wings, clean and paint your dwelling to give it a new color, purchase a hanging birdbath and install bat houses. All this will go a long way toward protecting you, your family and your property from future bat problems. I hope that you have learned a bit more about bats and the ways in which they can become pests in your home.


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